300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training(Ongoing)

8 Limbs Yoga Centers

We believe that a 300hr program should be different from your 200hr training in that it helps you specialize in one area. Our program provides the 300 additional hours of training for 200hr RYTs to move to this next level of professional development. It will set you on course to develop your niche and voice as a specialist in the field of modern yoga by offering four choices (“tracks”) of specialization to choose from.

These tracks are designed to guide you and lay out a path to success. Not sure where to start? Pick the track that speaks to you the most right now, and know you can always switch tracks at any time! Feel free to explore, join the modules that intrigue you, and you’ll end up exactly where you need to be. Complete 180 hours in one track and your certificate will have that designation. 

Upcoming Workshops & Trainings

Monthly Yoga Nidra Yoga Bliss is back!!!

You asked for it, and here it is!!! This workshop is offered in person at Phinney Ridge AND online through the 8 Limbs Livestream classes.

Sunday 3-4:30 pm. PRICE: $40
Yoga Nidra, Yoga Bliss is a potently relaxing blend of gentle movement, Pranayama (breath), and Yoga Nidra (Yogic sleep). Join me in person or online for this monthly celebration of self-care rituals and leave with practices for self-care that you can use forever!    SIGN UP

Yes! I am available for private sessions.


The classic "Tracy's Yoga Hour" DVD is for sale-- (which is worth having if only b/c is it directed and edited by the talented and beloved and sorely missed Lynn Shelton, with a soundtrack by the talented and also very famous Lori Goldston and friends. Note that both of these amazing women have their own Wikipedia entries!

Please email me for further info:


Yoga for Strength & Stability
Smart Strategies for Staying in One Piece

The purpose of this 6 week series is to improve strength, build bone density with weight bearing exercises, and to help decrease the physical pain that comes from being sedentary and also from physical instability and imbalance, particularly in areas of motion, like joints and the spine. This is a perfect practice for people who want to age well, boost confidence, and learn to be a more educated steward of this body we depend on (and which also depends on us!!!). Classes will be recorded and available through two weeks following series.
LIVESTREAM-Tuesdays, 12-1:15pm 

Can be taken for 300 Hour Teacher Training Credit!!!

Next session starts February 6th! SIGN UP

Grounded Wisdom  Teacher Training

(One 8 month session per year)

8 Limbs Yoga Centers

The 8 Limbs Yoga Centers 200-hour Grounded Wisdom Yoga Teacher Training meets in person one (or 2) weekend(s) a month, and one day a week online from October through April. Spread your time, commitment, and studies over the course of eight months!

Our training is a great fit for both the aspiring teacher and the dedicated practitioner ready to learn more. Whatever level of commitment you choose, our Grounded Wisdom Training offers excellent opportunities to deepen your yogic knowledge and self-study in a supportive community.